Friday, April 16, 2010

And one more thing...

I have to write this down here too, this is the kind of stuff you just don't want to forget. Ok, maybe I'm not the one writing it, because I'm too lazy right now, and it is just easier to lift it from Jeff's status on Facebook. So here it is:

"So on the way home from Phoenix Tristan (My 3 year old's) ears started to pop from the change in air pressure. He didn't like the feeling so his sisters started suggesting ideas to help stop his ears from popping, namely yawning, which he did and a few seconds later excitedly exclaimed "I found my sound!" :)"

Totally unrelated picture of Tristan doing his famous "Icky Eye".

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Things I just have to tell you about

Holy cow! I just found something else to suck at... apparently I'm not very good at keeping a blog either. I would like to say that I'm going to do better, but if I'm honest with myself that is not very likely. I'm still amazed when I read some of my friends blogs showing their weekly project, or some cute craft... How do you guys have time for all that? I have time to think about what I would like to do, and after that I just need a nap. So while I would love to tell you about my latest project or home renovation, the most you are going to hear about is that I got the house clean, and in and of itself it is a huge accomplishment in my home.

Instead you will get to hear about the never-ending cuteness of my kids, sorry, I know it is probably only cute to me... but once you become a mother there is no fighting it, you just assume that everyone is delighted to hear about your kids inappropriate comment (that out of their mouth is just the most adorable thing you'll ever hear), or the ingenious places your 3 year old will think to use as a toilet. I know... it is darling, isn't it?

Well... since you got me thinking about it I may as well tell you about this week's latest. Like when Tristan was eating soup and dropped noodle followed by this dialog:
Tristan: "It fell on my boob"
Me: "You don't have boobs"
Tristan (looking down): "I have nickels"

While in the topic of boobs, a couple of weeks ago Jeff got these Mickey Mouse balloons and as he was trying to blow one up for Tristan, making sure the two "ears" were properly inflated before blowing up the rest of it, Tristan says: "nice boobs!". What????!!!!!!! He is 3! where is he learning this... I promise we don't use that sentence in my house. I was a little baffled.

And of course, there's Jaden... oh, how I love this kid! He is one smart guy, but sometimes we just have to ponder the mystery of his mind's inner workings.

He had a school program yesterday, basically singing about Utah for forty minutes (to every parent's delight), with a little dancing thrown in there too, because we all know that 4th grade boys enthusiasm when dancing is something to behold, not awkward at all!
As it's customary he gives us plenty of notice, a phone call from school an hour before this thing was going to start. We madly try to get ready and make sure to not miss the program that promises to be the best 4th grade program in school history (it has a mad cast, you know?), and we make it just a few minutes late, as we like to be fashionable.
We quickly locate Jaden on the first row, singing with the excitement that is so characteristic of him. I'm looking at him thinking I'm so glad he is wearing a decent shirt for this program, and he is looking pretty nice (he is one good looking little guy).
It was at this moment that my musings were interrupted by Jeff saying "Oh no! Do you see those neon orange things in his ears? He is wearing ear plugs!" The same ear plugs that he used when our friend Ben took him shooting the previous weekend. The ones that we told him to throw away (he likes to keep everything) just a couple of days before. Yep... that is my son... wearing ear plugs during his own performance, apparently fourth grader's singing is offensive to his ears. If you know Jaden, you will not be surprised by this though, so I just nodded and said, yeah, that is a Jaden thing to do...

So of course, as any good parent would do, we recognized the great embarrassment potential this would have in the future and had to take pictures.

I love Jaden, I hope he never changes.

I do have one question: where were the earplugs for the parents? I know... I'm mean.