Monday, January 18, 2010

Not ready to say Goodbye to Christmas

I really should be working a little harder on getting all the Christmas stuff taken down. But this year is even harder than normal. My cute little Tristan is truly obsessed with anything Christmas and I really don't want to see his sad face when it's all gone. I know it sounds like a lame excuse... but it makes a great excuse!

Before Christmas I caught him cutting my nice ribbon bolts, of course I asked him what he was up to... and as he took a freshly cut, mangled piece of ribbon and tied it (he can't tie really well yet, so he just wrapped it around many times actually) on the door handle to our mud room, he told me "I'm decorating for Christmas!". I did what any mom would have done, I said: "Awwww, do you need more? here are some more ribbons, go decorate".

He is his father's son in so many ways, but this Christmas mania is so Jeff! He has been taking Christmas lights out of the garage for months now, he brings them in the house, finds the closest outlet (while my heart is pounding in anticipation of the imminent electrocution), and plugs it in. His eyes light up along with the lights and... I know, I know... a good mom would not let her kid go plugging things around the house, but I just can't take that joy away from him, so I taught him how to avoid the metal prongs when plugging the lights and now I just hope those small words of wisdom have really sunked in. So far so good.

Ever since Santa came to our house Tristan has been Santa. He wears Jeff's santa hat (which is huge on him) and comes to me (or anyone that's around) and asks: "What do you want for Christmas little boy?" in his best deep Santa voice of course. One has to be careful what to ask for, because Santa has to have whatever you are requesting... so I go for a generic answer like "a toy". My little sparkly eyed Santa takes his hat off his head, reaches inside it, and surprises me with the most amazing toy (and that hat can fit an incredible amount of things, it made me think of Mary Poppins' bag). He also has fashioned a fabulous sleigh out of a laundry basket, in which he piles more toys making the refilling of the hat more convenient. He is a practical Santa after all. You may also notice he is not wearing a whole lot besides the hat, well... that's how he rolls (at least he is wearing underwear).

It would appear that Christmas is in his mind even while he sleeps. A few weeks ago I woke up to Tristan talking in his sleep. He is such a funny boy. He was saying: "Spongebob is decorating the tree!" and a few minutes later he broke into a song, excitedly singing 'Jingle Bells' (currently his favorite Christmas song). Have I said how much I love this boy? I love him and how he helps me appreciate life and everything around me so much more... nothing like seeing Christmas through the eyes of a little child.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ok... everybody is doing it, so here I am: blogging. I'm sure my many fans will be delighted by this news. I can't promise I will make any sense.

If you are curious at all about the title of this blog, stay tuned and you will read a compelling story of youthful ingenuity, dreams, adventure, tragedy... it has it all!